On October 5, 2006 at 7:30 pm exclusively on the French Canadian TV show "Star Système", one could watch a thrilling meeting between Georges Thurston, alias "Boule Noire", and Celine Dion. The host, Herby Moreau, accompanied Quebec singer "Boule Noire" to Las Vegas, USA. It was a very touching meeting. He attended Celine´s show "A New Day..." at the Colosseum of the Caesars Palace and then, he met Celine and her husband Rene Angelil into Celine´s dressing room at the Caesars Palace. At the beginnings of Celine´s career, she opened a "Boule Noire"´s shows in Quebec, Canada.

On October 13, 2006 Celine Dion appeared on the broadcast of the TV show "Extra". A team from U.S. entertainment television show headed to Las Vegas, USA the week before to interview Celine. The "Extra" host Carlos Diaz talked to Celine backstage right before the show "A New Day..." at the Colosseum of the Caesars Palace. Celine embodies the traits of a Las Vegas legend, and Carlos Diaz caught up with the angel of music just minutes before she stepped on stage. The Sin City hotel has been home to Celine´s "A New Day..." concert for four years; a phenomenal run that is finally edging to a close, with one year left before the showstopper bids adieu to Las Vegas. "It´s almost over, even though there´s one year left. I feel, and I think we all feel, that we are kind of walking out", Celine admitted. "And it´s bittersweet. I already feel that it´s going to be hard when we say goodbye". "French album, English album, one more year of this show. After, I hope to have another child", Celine revealed. "We´re building a new home in Florida". "We would love to have another child, but to have it on that stage with a rig like that is not the best thing to do", Celine theorized. "So let me do one thing at a time, one song at a time… we´ll see. But I´ll keep you posted", she said.

In October 2006 Celine Dion´s mother Thérèse Tanguay was promoting her official biography book titled "La Vie Est Un Beau Voyage" ("Life Is A wonderful Journey") at the Canadian broadcasting "On N´A Pas Toute La Soirée", hosted by Éric Salvail and aired on TVA channel in Canada. Some of Celine´s brothers and sisters were at the TV show, and they performed a song for their mother: "Il etait une fois des gens heureux", in wich Celine with one brother and another sister, took part with an appearance via satellite from the Colosseum of the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, USA where she was performing with the show "A New Day...". All 14 siblings performed a song for their mother and afterwards they talked about their childhood memories. By the way, Thérèse´s biography was written by Georges Hébert Germain, who also wrote on official biography about Celine years ago, and who helped ago writing ago autobiography and who translated Jenna Glatzer´s "For Keeps" in French.

On October 30, 2006 Celine Dion appeared on the broadcast of a TV special-documentary produced by French television network France 3, who followed journey of the fan from her hometown Perpignan in France to Las Vegas, USA to met her idol Celine. The fan named Severine met with Celine on August 19, 2006 at her dressing room at the Caesars Palace where Celine was performing with the show "A New day…" in Las Vegas, USA. The documentary broadcasted footage from that day.

On October 30, 2006 the show "On the Record", hosted by Greta Van Susteren, aired live from Las Vegas USA. The show cast was there as part of FOX News channel´s celebration of 10 years on the air and to thank the viewers for making FNC the No. 1 cable news channel. They had a special Vegas show which included besides the news of the day, interviews with Celine Dion. The interview took place at Celine´s dressing room in the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, USA where she was performing with the show "A New Day...".

In October 2006 Celine Dion met with a TeamCeline contest winner, named Lise from Montreal, Canada and her husband. The meeting took place at Celine´s dressing room at the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, USA before one of the shows of "A New Day...".
