January 31, 2007 - Celine Dion in New York, USA, at the West Village

On January 30, 2007 Celine Dion was in New York, USA, at the West Village, to shoot the music video for the song "S´il n´en restait qu´une (je serais celle-là)", from the album "D´elles". The shooting took place at the Hudson Street in New York. It was directed by Thierry Vargnes and it was premiered on the Canadian television network TVA, on April 1, 2007. Footage from the sessions, were included on the bonus DVD, "Céline parle d´elles", released with the album "D´elles" on May 18, 2007. During the sessions, Celine recorded a video message also inlcuded on the bonus DVD.

In January 2007 Celine Dion and her husband, Rene Angelil appeared talking on a video message about Francine Chaloult, the chief of the press office for Celine. It was recorded at Celine´s dressing room at the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, USA and aired during a biography special about Francine Chaloult. Celine and Rene said Francine is like an artist in the shadows. Francine said she thought, at first when she met Celine, that her voice was too nasal and she didn´t think she was that special at all. But the way Rene talked about her talent and was so passionate about her singing made Celine grow on her and she has been with them ever since. She said Rene used to tell her, Celine would be more famous than Barbra Straisand and Barbra would want to sing with her one day and Francine was like "yeah, right".